News Archive
April 1st, does that ring a bell? 10. April 1997
Some people didn't realize yet that the news from April the 1st were a joke :-). 2 days ago my last tune for KFMF was released, I've left the group.
Spice girls remix signed by Virgin 01. April 1997
My remix of the Spice Girl track "2 become 1" will appear on the CD called "Spice Girls in the mix" published by VIRGIN this month!
Wired 96 in Belgium 08. November 1996
I've been to Belgium from the 1-3 November to Wired 1996. I tried to enter the music competition with "The Mists of Avalon", but unfortunately it didn't make it trough the pre-selections. In my opinion, it's really worth listening to.
Co-operation with Chuck Biscuits 09. October 1996
About 2 months ago Chuck Biscuits gave me a track on which I should give him some feedback on. I like it so much that I instantly started reworking, and remixing it in the end. Go and download the final version of it, released under Mono: "Drop the bass knob"
Back from the states 09. September 1996
A new release is out, it's called "Burning Symbols". Actually, it is a double release and also features a track which is very bad for your health. :-)
I got back from my holidays in the US, and I do feel guilty for:
1. Eating all the bread
2. Drinking all the Pepsi
3. and not mentioning ...
The person who had to deal with me all the time: Mister JARED SPIEGEL!
Aspects of Sound album released 24. June 1996
My first musicdisc called "Aspect of Sound" feautring a variety of different electronic styles.
Newslog started 01. April 1996
I just though it might be about time to keep a little archive...