News Archive
Liveact in Heidelberg 29. August 1998
I did a liveact last Saturday at the Karlstorbahnhof in Heidelberg, together with Prymer from Black Beat Productions along with a Drummer, Bass Player, DJ and MC! This was a very shortly arranged event so I had no time to announce it properly, hope everyone who was there enjoyed it. Pictures will be available on my pages as soon as they're ready.
Black Beat guest release 27. July 1998
I had been working on a couple of new tracks, including a guest release on Black Beat Productions as well as a new EP for Santorin Records. I also decided somewhen last week that I'll be working on an Audio-CD project including all the Hits I had over the last years, plus a selection of Tracks I released on Vinyl. All the old tracks will be reworked over the next months and you can expect high quality versions.
Nearly finished school 13. June 1998
I've nearly finished school now and I'll be staying in Tübingen for another year, as my civilian service is starting July 1st. Some people had problems listening to the .mp3 sound files of my first record. I have encoded these files again with the newest version of the Frauenhofer Encoder, I hope that all problems are gone now.
My own PC & Philosophy page added 17. May 1998
Got my very own PC these days. As long as I've been using computers, I never had a PC of my own, I was used to have one together with my brothers. Times change, money comes and little vivid gets his PC. Let's hope it will liven up my current mood ...
These Philosophy pages are still in experimental mode, and I don't know if they will be extended or closed in the near future.
First record out 28. March 1998
My first Vinyl record is going to hit the shops at the end of April, you can listen to extracts of all 3 tracks on the front page. I do not plan to put the full .mp3 files of all tunes on my webpages before the end of 1998. I hope that you are willing to pay a little bit for the music you love. 2 of these tunes are not tracked and therefore won't be available on my pages either, but the as you can see, "Bleeding" is on the first release as well, which is a reworked version of the track you can download from my homepage.
Interview 17. January 1998
On Wednesday this week I was interviewed by Joachim Henschel. The portrait was published in the German newspaper Schwäbische Tagblatt today. I scanned the article for you, so it's possible to read on my webpages if you are able to understand German. To all foreigners, feel free to use Altavista Translator for a quick'n'dirty translation.
There's a new and kicking Drum'n'Bass piece available, fasten your selbeats and start downloading State of Mind (97 Breaks Edit).
Spice Girls remixes 04. June 1997
The Spice girls remixes which gave me the idea for my aprilfool joke are online. In the archive you'll find a great track by another Mono memeber and my contribution.
I've also done a new track, showing how my taste has changed, and therefore my music developed. Can you hear the "Sounds from the Street"?
Advance musicdisc 28. April 1997
The new musicdisc by Advance is finally out now! Get it if you are looking for free, high quality tracks by guys like Kom'ah, Dupont, Kenzu and a whole bunch of other talented people! My guest contribution to this disc is "Frustration", a track I've written last month.
April 1st, does that ring a bell? 10. April 1997
Some people didn't realize yet that the news from April the 1st were a joke :-). 2 days ago my last tune for KFMF was released, I've left the group.
Spice girls remix signed by Virgin 01. April 1997
My remix of the Spice Girl track "2 become 1" will appear on the CD called "Spice Girls in the mix" published by VIRGIN this month!
Wired 96 in Belgium 08. November 1996
I've been to Belgium from the 1-3 November to Wired 1996. I tried to enter the music competition with "The Mists of Avalon", but unfortunately it didn't make it trough the pre-selections. In my opinion, it's really worth listening to.
Co-operation with Chuck Biscuits 09. October 1996
About 2 months ago Chuck Biscuits gave me a track on which I should give him some feedback on. I like it so much that I instantly started reworking, and remixing it in the end. Go and download the final version of it, released under Mono: "Drop the bass knob"
Back from the states 09. September 1996
A new release is out, it's called "Burning Symbols". Actually, it is a double release and also features a track which is very bad for your health. :-)
I got back from my holidays in the US, and I do feel guilty for:
1. Eating all the bread
2. Drinking all the Pepsi
3. and not mentioning ...
The person who had to deal with me all the time: Mister JARED SPIEGEL!
Aspects of Sound album released 24. June 1996
My first musicdisc called "Aspect of Sound" feautring a variety of different electronic styles.
Newslog started 01. April 1996
I just though it might be about time to keep a little archive...